Actress Jung Yeong-joo boasted about her closeness with actor Byeon WooSeok. On the 28th, Jung Yeong-joo posted on her Instagram, "#RunWithSungjaeOnYourBack
#Pyeongsobang #Sungjae #Wife's mother #Bokseung My son-in-law. The two of you who can't go on reward leave. Take care of yourself. You bastards! I'll run again.
Our Wooseok can run too! I'll spank his butt again today for good running! Fly!" he posted the photo along with the hashtag and comment.
In the released photo, Byeon WooSeok and Jung YeongJu are seen making funny faces with their lips sticking out.
Actor Heo Hyun-gyu (TV Series "Run with Sungjae on Your Back") saw the photo of the two.
"I'm doing my best to encourage them both to stay healthy so they can run well," commented the actor, who plays a serial killer in the drama.
Fans also commented, "It's a very heartwarming photo.
Responses such as "He seems like a really great senior", "As expected, the son-in-law's love is like that of a mother-in-law", "I'm still suffering from 'Run with Sungjae on your back' TT"
Meanwhile, Jung Yeong-ju played the role of the mother of the main character Kim Hye-yoon in the popular TV series "Run with Sungjae on Your Back" and co-starred with Byeon Woo-seok and Heo Hyun-gi.
He performed alongside artists such as Yu.

By minmin 2024/06/28 12:48 KST