Actor Song Kang, who is currently serving in the military, will meet viewers in "Sweet Home - Me and the World's Despair - Season 3."
On the 19th, Song Kang will be appearing in the new Netflix TV series "Sweet Home
"Sweet Home - Me and the World's Despair - Season 3" marks the end of the monsterization and the beginning of a new human race.
This Netflix series depicts the more intense and urgent struggle between the two as they find themselves faced with a choice between the ambiguous boundary between monsters and humans in a world that has only just begun to change.
Song Kang plays Cha Hyun-soo, a reclusive high school student who moves into Green Home alone after losing his family in an accident.
In order to find a solution to the monsterization incident, he heads to the special disaster base himself to put an end to this situation, but ends up living a lonely life as a special infected person.
In Season 3, which marks the end of "Sweet Home Season 2," which depicted Hyun-soo's life-or-death struggle, Song Kang will show deeper emotions and more spectacular action.
Song Kang has previously portrayed Hyeon-soo, who had no desire or motivation for life, as he transforms into a monster through the series "Sweet Home," and has revealed his humanity through the process.
He brilliantly portrayed the transformation of the character, who strives to maintain his sense of self and strengthens his inner desire to save people.
Song Kang thrilled viewers and became a global star. At the same time, she also starred in the movie "Escape" and continued to be active on the big screen.
Song Kang will appear as Song Woo-min, who has a connection with the late Gyo-hwan, and will arouse curiosity with his soft charisma and mysterious aura.
"Me and the World's Despair Season 3" will be released on Netflix on the 19th of this month.

By chunchun 2024/07/19 00:27 KST