The group "TOMORROW X TOGETHER" will suddenly release their official character on August 1st.
This is the first time that TOGETHER has released official mascots for the five members.
The members actively participated from the character development stage onwards, adding meaning to the characters.
The design of each character was started from a sketch drawn by TOMORROW X TOGETHER, and the characters' names, personalities, preferences, and other aspects were all decided based on the members' personalities.
Bar's opinion was reflected. A silhouette teaser that gave a glimpse of the character's appearance and a short-form content that showed some of its features were released in advance, and the production process was also revealed.
The behind-the-scenes teaser was posted on the team's official YouTube channel on the 29th. In the video, the members commented, "Since these are characters that I created, I can project even more of myself into them.
They said, "We have similar traits, like liking hoodies and being shy around people," and "MOA. (official fan club name) told us that we look like fennecs and ducks."
"I've heard it a lot. It's been well-mixed and realized," he said, giving away the design and raising expectations. He also said, "It would be good if the character is like a friendly friend."
As you can imagine, this character is expected to play the role of "MOA's best friend, who will be with her anytime, anywhere."
"TOGETHER" will begin with character launch at midnight on August 1st and will release various content and projects to provide an expanded fan experience.
Meanwhile, "TOMORROW X TOGETHER" is holding a 4-dome tour in Japan called "TOMORROW X TOGETHER WORLD TOUR IN JAPAN"
After successfully completing their performances at the Tokyo Dome and Kyocera Dome Osaka, they will be performing at the Pantelin Dome Nagoya on August 4-5 and Mizuho PayP on September 14-15.
The tour will continue at the AY Dome Fukuoka.

By minmin 2024/07/30 12:32 KST