The Netflix movie "War and Rebellion," one of the most anticipated films of the second half of the year, has set its release date for October 11th. "War and Rebellion" is a story about the Korean warlords who grew up together during the turbulent times of the Bunroku-Keicho War (War).
Jeongryeo (Park Jung Min), the son of a military vassal, and his maid, Cheonnyeong (Kang Dong Won), reunite as enemies as King Seonjo's (Cha Seung Won) closest aide and a righteous soldier.
The film tells the story of a young woman who is killed in a car crash. It was written and produced by director Park Chan-wook and directed by director Kim Sang-man.
The opening film of the 29th Busan International Film Festival to be held in October
The cast lineup is also impressive. Kang Dong Won plays the role of Cheon Young, a man of low social standing but with the best swordsmanship, and Park Jung Min plays the role of a member of Joseon's greatest military family.
He will play the son Jeongryeo. Kim Shinrock will play the strong-willed righteous soldier Beomdong, and Jin Seong Kyu (INFINITE) will play Kim Ja-ryeong, a former member of the yangban who leads the people in the midst of chaos.
The cast is attracting attention with its line-up of talented actors, including Jung Sung Il as Kenshin, a cruel vanguard of the Japanese army, and Cha Seung Won as King Seonjo, a turbulent king who abandoned his people and fled.
Meanwhile, "War and Chaos" will be released on Netflix on October 11. The 29th Busan International Film Festival will open on October 2.

By minmin 2024/09/06 10:48 KST