The international relief and development NGO World Vision has received 50 million won out of the total 100 million won donated by Felix of Stray Kids on his 24th birthday.
The donation from Felix will be used for World Vision Korea's "Cho Mokko" breakfast support project for children with dietary vulnerabilities.
World Vision's "Morning Breakfast" aims to reduce the rate of skipping meals among Korean children who are unable to eat breakfast due to various difficulties at home, and to build a psychological and emotional support system to promote healthy schools.
This is a project to support the lives of children in Incheon, Gwangju, and Daejeon who go to school without eating breakfast, in accordance with Felix's wishes.
The plan is to provide breakfast to approximately 80 children at risk of malnutrition until the end of the year. In addition, World Vision will be honoring Felix with the “Bob Pierce Honors
The “Bob Pierce Honors Club” was named after World Vision founder Bob Pierce.
Among the sponsors who have donated more than 100 million won in total, the members are those who sympathize with various global village issues and take the lead in spreading awareness of the value of sharing.
Felix has been exerting a positive influence by participating in emergency relief efforts for the Turkey-Syria earthquake in February last year and donating 50 million won to World Vision.
Felix said, "I received a lot of love on my birthday, and I decided to make a donation because I wanted to share the love I received."
I'm concerned about the situation where many children are going to school. I hope we can provide help to those who need it."
The chairman of World Vision said, "Felix, who is loved by many in Korea and abroad, has a great influence on the world through World Vision.
"We are pleased to be able to share this information with vulnerable children about their healthy breakfast habits," he said. "We are grateful for your kind sharing of information about healthy breakfasts for Korean children, and World Vision will continue to support Korean children in eating healthy breakfasts."
"We will continue to provide support so that everyone can have a healthy breakfast," he said.

By minmin 2024/09/20 12:11 KST