Baekhyun of the group EXO shared a shocking story about a sasaeng (an extreme fan who relentlessly stalks the private lives of their favorite celebrities).
On the 24th, the YouTube channel "Town Star K" posted a message saying, "EXO BAEKHYUN is a real person who will do anything if you ask him to (ft. EXO Sasaeng Episode, 5
On this day, Baekhyun appeared as a guest and Jonathan said, "As soon as I come back, I'll give you a doctor's gown as a gift."
"The gifts he gave to his fans were so special. I heard he gave out one pizza for each person, a coffee cart, fruit cups, and 50,000 won in travel expenses," he said.
Just calculating the travel expenses, it comes to 46.5 million won. Jonathan said, "I heard that the appearance fee for a music show is 100,000 won.
If you give so many presents, won't your debt just go up?" BAEKHYUN replied, "You're in the red. You're in the red.
That's why my debt keeps increasing," he said, before joking and drawing laughter, "I did it for two weeks and I'm bankrupt. I'm bankrupt."
Next, BAEKHYUN explained the reason for giving presents to fans, saying, "It's been a while since I've come out.
So, although this doesn't express everything, I wanted to express at least a little. I prepared it so that T-money would be used for transportation costs and that people would come to see me for free."
In particular, BAEKHYUN shared a shocking episode with sasaengs. BAEKHYUN said, "I've talked to sasaengs on the phone, I've tried to catch them, I've fought the police and thieves a lot.
"We also talked on the phone a lot. Because the phone calls were coming all the time, people get nervous and go crazy. When I answered the phone, people would say a lot of weird things, so I just wanted to calm them down a bit.
When asked by Jonathan, "How far will they follow you?", BAEKHYUN replied, "Once I lived alone,
When I was there, the security said it was okay, so I went there, but I still went through it. BAEKHYUN said, "I thought something was wrong, so I grabbed one of them and said, 'Maybe.
When I asked, "How did you get here?" my friends came out from between the cars in the underground parking lot, like the Avengers Assemble.
I have many heroic tales. They all become memories like this," he said, showing his candid side.
It caught my eye.

By minmin 2024/09/25 21:14 KST