Winter from "aespa" has revealed her latest status. On the 29th of this month, Winter posted a photo on Instagram without any special explanation. She is wearing her long hair naturally.
From the way she holds the camera to the way she stares off into space, her elegant and sophisticated charm stands out. The refreshing atmosphere and the background harmonize perfectly, leaving an even deeper impression on viewers.
Meanwhile, aespa will hold the "2024 aespa LIVE TOUR" at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand on the 28th and 29th of this month.
- SYNK : PARALLEL LINE -" was held and all tickets were sold out for two days, attracting an audience of about 20,000 people, demonstrating the ticket power worthy of a "global hit" maker.
It has been proven.
By Corin 2024/09/30 20:59 KST