The film tells the story of a magical encounter between YooJun (DO of EXO) and Jeong A (Won JinA) in a practice room on a campus where the secret of time is hidden.
It is a fantasy romance that depicts the most memorable moments in life. The original Taiwanese film was released in 2008 and gained a lot of popularity. The production company is keeping the outline of the original while revising the story to suit modern sensibilities.
I am determined to create emotion and atmosphere through storytelling.
The film is directed by director Seo Yu-min, who wrote the screenplay for "The Last Princess of the Korean Empire" (2016).
The group "EXO"'s DO (Do Kyung Soo), Won JinA, Shin Ye Eun, and others will be appearing.
By minmin 2024/12/17 11:49 KST