The photo was posted with the caption, "Tour Concert J-Party "Home" Main Poster Released."
The released photos show JAEJUNG wearing a pastel-colored outfit of blue, pink, and yellow and holding a cake.
Jaejung is teasing the fun party with cream on the tip of his nose. Netizens who saw this commented, "Jaejung is so cute," "Really sweet," "Pretty
"Oh my, it's like a pajama party at home. It's going to be a warm, homey party," "Thank you for inviting me to the party again this year! I'll fly over," and other reactions were received.
Meanwhile, JAEJUNG released his single "SEQUENCE#4" on various online music sites at 6 PM on December 26th.
JAEJUNG will hold the "2025 KIM JAE JOONG Asia Tour" at KBS Arena in Seoul on January 25th and 26th.
Concert J-Party “Home” in Seoul will be held.
By chunchun 2025/01/07 00:24 KST