The latest status of child actor and former member Kal SoWon has been revealed. Actor Kal SoWon's management office YG Entertainment announced on the 15th, "20 years old, Kal SoWon."
The management office added, "Kal SoWon is celebrating his 20th birthday with excitement and thrills. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at his pictorial!"
"Is this the Kal SoWon I know?" she thought, but her lively and playful daily life is "the Kal SoWon I know."
Please give your support to Kal SoWon! The photos released this time show Kal SoWon working on a gravure shoot.
Now ten years old, she has grown beautifully, catching people's attention, as befitting an icon of proper growth.
By Corin 2025/01/15 21:33 KST