On CHOSUN's surrealist documentary show "Joseon's Sarangkun," "super guest" ITEUK took over Choi SeongGuk's spot and even made the unusual promise of "opening his home."
The Lunar New Year special "Joseon's Sarangkun" to be broadcast on the 27th in Korea will feature a special guest, "SUPER
ITEUK from JUNIOR appeared. Amidst the non-stop seductions (?) of the existing Sarangkun MCs, ITEUK took the center seat and said, "It's great. It's like home.
So..." he revealed his ambition. To this, "Joseon's Sarangkun House Owner" Choi SeongGuk responded, "No, it's our house," showing his caution towards new male MC candidate ITEUK, drawing laughter.
When Kim Kukjin asked, "Who do you think is your rival among the Sarankun MCs?" ITEUK tried to avoid the question by saying, "I don't like to push anyone aside."
However, Kim JIMIN stirred things up by saying, "We have a set number of members. Someone has to leave."
Kang Suzy also showed her nervousness by saying, "Women don't pull out, right?", which drew laughter.
Having succeeded in pushing Choi SeongGuk into a corner, Kim JIMIN made everyone laugh by announcing that he would be providing the next studio, saying, "We'll start filming at my house from next week."
ITEUK made a promise to "reveal his home" by saying, "I don't usually show my home on TV...but...if I become an MC, I'll film it at my house."
A surrealist documentary variety show with special guest ITEUK, who is aiming for the position of Sarangkun MC.
CHOSUN's Lunar New Year special for "Joseon Sarangkun" will be broadcast on the 27th at 9:50 pm in Korea, 10 minutes earlier than usual.
can be done.
By minmin 2025/01/26 16:42 KST