RED V Ehr VET, Rehearsal for "Spring comes" performance in North Korea.

* Welcome event after arrival in Pyongyang (Pyeongyang). Meal at Goryeo Hotel

* Rehearsal at East Pyongyang Grand Theater

* Exclusive performance: Korean side exclusive performance on April 1 tomorrow

* Joint performance: Afternoon of April 3, South-North Joint Performance ※ Cast of Korea side

* "Queen of OST" Baek Ji Young: "Like being shot by a gun" Show off. (※ rude in North Korea ..)

* Return to Busan Port Cho Yong Phil: Performed in North Korea 13 years ago. Lie Seung Gi's master Lee Seong-hee showed off "To J" (※ Lyrics of "Do not forget" to John ○ like to be welcomed at North Korea)

* SNSD (Girls' Generation) Sohyeong: MC as well.

* RED V Eli VET: affair with Joy's non-participation. "Red taste" "Bad Boy" to show off. (※ rude in North Korea ..)

11 teams etc
2018/03/31 22:11 KST
From SNS