RED VELVET, "Korea's pros and cons" on their interview in North Korea.

* After Pyongyang (Pyongyang) performance, we met Kim Jong-In (actress Kim Jung-eun) chairman. "I did not expect to shake hands, but I was really honored," they mentioned.

※ Below are the reactions in Korea

* Do you really have an "honor" shaking hands with dictators?

* His grandfather caused the 6 · 25 war (※ Korean war) and millions of people died. His father starved hundreds of thousands of people.

* No, I can not condemn RED VELVET regarding his grandfather and his father. It is not a sit-in system either. They are doing their best now, so it's good give such a small lip service.

* The circumstance is another. Whatever the situation is, he is the leader of a country. You should pay tribute.

* That man seems to be a fan of RED VELVET. Why is it so bad to say a "honor" when they meet their fans?

2018/04/03 11:36 KST
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