≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ "Sacred Idol" Episode 8 synopsis and behind-the-scenes story...Kim MIN-GYU's wire action = behind-the-scenes story and synopsis 2023/12/06 10:02
≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ "Sacred Idol" Episode 7 synopsis and behind-the-scenes stories...J Black's interview = behind-the-scenes stories and synopsis 2023/12/04 09:46
≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ "Sacred Idol" episode 5 synopsis and behind-the-scenes stories...Kim MIN-GYU smiling, friendly filming scene = behind-the-scenes stories and synopsis 2023/12/02 11:09
≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ "Sacred Idol" Episode 4 synopsis and behind-the-scenes stories... Go BoGyeol filming and interview = behind-the-scenes stories and synopsis 2023/12/01 09:58
≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ "Sacred Idol" Episode 2 synopsis and behind-the-scenes stories... Shooting scene on the first day of crank-in = behind-the-scenes stories and synopsis 2023/11/29 09:59
≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ "Sacred Idol" episode 1 synopsis and behind-the-scenes story...Crank-in and Kim MIN-GYU's greeting video = behind-the-scenes story and synopsis 2023/11/28 10:56
<WK Column> "ZE:A" Kwanghee x "Highlight" Doojoon & Dongwoong x "Holy Idol" Kim MIN-GYU x Park Sangnam promote the charms of Busan! 2023/11/20 13:10
≪Korean TV Series OST≫ “In-house arranged marriage”, best masterpiece “Closer” = Lyrics/Commentary/Idol singer 2023/09/15 09:59