VIDEO [Official sbe] [Warrior Somitan Sengi] Jeon Somi 登, the youngest jungle hunter 2019/12/22 00:27
VIDEO 【Official sbe】 Jeon Somi (Ft. Sweet Dad Matthew) Kim Byung-Man's Jungle Law 393 2019/12/15 18:39
VIDEO [Official sbe] “Somi! Dad took the coconut” Matthew, Jeon Somi “The best of dadd 2019/12/15 18:36
VIDEO 【Official sbe】 “No way to catch people” Roh Woo-jin, Han HyunMin, Jeon Somi, Mat 2019/12/15 18:36
VIDEO [Fan Cam M] Jeon Somi in the fan sign seen from the side (SOMI)-Ending Fan Cam 2019/11/23 20:09
VIDEO [Fan Cam M] 191123Jeon Somi (SOMI)-Fan autographing session position and greet 2019/11/23 18:09