≪Chuka TV Series NOW≫ "Legal Service-Maximum Profit-" EP2, Bo-yun receives cold treatment at his internship = Synopsis / Spoilers 2023/09/02 20:27
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ ``Legal Service-Maximum Profit-'' EP1, Chen Bo-yun, a legal apprentice, seizes the opportunity = Synopsis / Spoilers 2023/09/01 20:27
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ ``Runaway Surgeon Has Arrived'' EP 10 (final episode), each of them will go their own way = Synopsis / Spoilers 2023/08/31 21:01
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ “The Runaway Surgeon Has Arrived” EP9, Zhu Shu grieves after the death of her beloved professor = Synopsis/Spoiler 2023/08/30 20:52
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ "The Runaway Surgeon Has Arrived" EP8, Zushu who decided to undertake Professor Fu's surgery = Synopsis / Spoilers 2023/08/29 20:35
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ "The Runaway Surgeon Has Arrived" EP7 reveals Zushu's past when he can no longer operate = Synopsis / Spoilers 2023/08/26 21:10
≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ "The runaway surgeon has arrived" EP6, the bi director who is trying to change the hospital into a medical beauty center = Synopsis / Spoilers 2023/08/25 20:31