"Please raise it"... Couple who gave baby to stranger, "whereabouts unknown" = South Korea 2024/10/23 12:02
"If you feel sick, don't come" - Doctor calls patient's fatty tissue "pig fat" (South Korea) 2024/10/23 11:28
"Naked tattooed man commits voyeurism"... 10,000 Chinese illegally staying on Cheju Island = South Korea 2024/10/23 11:23
Bitcoin expected to reach $80,000 next month, regardless of US presidential election results 2024/10/23 11:22
Bitcoin expected to reach $80,000 next month, regardless of US presidential election results 2024/10/23 11:22
GS Group commercializes wind power capacity forecasting method, realized through digital transformation (South Korea) 2024/10/23 08:43
GS Group commercializes wind power capacity forecasting method, realized through digital transformation (South Korea) 2024/10/23 08:43
NCSoft to split up company and offer voluntary retirement amid poor performance in South Korea 2024/10/23 08:39
NATO: "South Korean delegation to visit early next week"... "Until then, it's impossible to confirm 'North Korean troop deployment'" 2024/10/23 08:00
South Korea to assume APEC presidency for first time in 20 years, with theme of "restoring economic dynamics" 2024/10/23 07:59
South Korea considers sending "visiting team" to Ukraine in response to North Korea's support for Russia 2024/10/23 06:18
South Korea considers sending "visiting team" to Ukraine in response to North Korea's support for Russia 2024/10/23 06:18
A man in his 20s who called the police and said he was a witness to a hit-and-run incident actually... = South Korea 2024/10/22 21:30
A man in his 20s who called the police and said he was a witness to a hit-and-run incident actually... = South Korea 2024/10/22 21:30
More than 80,000 people applied for public opening of 'Jamsil Raemian I-Park'... Competition rate 1 in 269 (Seoul, South Korea) 2024/10/22 21:27
More than 80,000 people applied for public opening of 'Jamsil Raemian I-Park'... Competition rate 1 in 269 (Seoul, South Korea) 2024/10/22 21:27
The ruling party medical affairs council, announced by People's Power representative Han Dong-hoon, will be launched next week... "Only look out for the people" = Korea 2024/10/22 20:43