「チャンネル 少女時代」ユナ(少女時代)がスイカの種ゲームでも輝く美貌を誇った。(提供:news1)
”Channel SNSD (Girls' Generation)” Yuna sticks watermelon seeds on her face and ”smiles”
Yoona (SNSD) of "Channel SNSD (Girls' Generation)" showed off her shining beauty in the watermelon seed game. On Style "Channel SNSD (Girls' Generation)" which was first broadcast on the 21st, "
SNSD (Girls' Generation)'' eight members were broadcast. On that day's broadcast, ``SNSD (Girls' Generation)'' played a game where they could get points by spitting watermelon seeds in their faces.
In response, Yuna spit out the watermelon seeds without hesitation and worked hard to score points. Yuna puts many watermelon seeds on her face.
``What should I do? How many points do you have?'' he said, bursting into laughter. Netizens said, ``Channel SNSD (Girls' Generation) is very frank and nice,'' ``Channel SNSD (Girls' Generation) is interesting.''
” and “SNSD (Girls' Generation) is the best.”


2015/07/22 14:12 KST
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