Two cargo ships lost in the Guanhekou waters of China's Jiangsu Province... 25 crew members safely rescued - Chinese report
On the 28th, the sea and air rescue team of the Donghai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport of China succeeded in rescuing all 25 people who were in distress at sea. Guan Estuary Sea in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China
In the area, two cargo ships were wrecked one after another due to strong winds and high waves caused by a tropical cyclone from early morning to early morning on the 28th. All 25 crew members were safely rescued by the rescue team.
Early on the morning of the 28th, the Yungang Maritime Search and Rescue Center received a report from the cargo ship Huahai 601 that the ship was tilting and was in danger of capsizing. The ship had 15 crew members on board.
. A rescue boat arrived at the scene at around 6:18 a.m. (local time), but conditions were extremely dangerous at the time, with wind force levels of 9 to 10 and waves 3 to 4 meters high. A rescue team of 15 people using hanging baskets
Rescue everyone. Huahai 601 capsized less than 30 minutes after the rescue was completed. On the same day, the cargo ship "Seiwa 9" also received a report that the cabin was flooded and that 10 crew members needed to be rescued.
Ta. Rescue HYERI was dispatched around 7:30 am and arrived at the scene. When the rescue team HYERI arrived, only the top half of Seiwa 9 was above the water, and it looked like it was about to sink. The rescue team is 30
Within minutes, all 10 crew members were pulled into the HYERI copter and rescued.
2023/08/30 15:33 KST
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