Five people involved in a landslide at a construction site in China's Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture are measures neglected = Chinese report
In the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province, China, on the 21st of this month, workers at a construction site were affected by a debris flow caused by heavy rain. Authorities have accused the construction company's managers of neglecting safety measures.
Five people were taken into custody. Around 5 a.m. (local time) on the 21st (local time), torrential rain caused a mudslide in Jinyang County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, and highway construction workers were caught in it.
After the disaster, a search was conducted for workers whose safety was unknown, and by the 27th, four were found at the body. The persons in charge of the construction project were informed several times by relevant departments of the authorities before the disaster occurred.
Although an evacuation advisory was issued, no safety measures, such as evacuating workers, were taken. Also, at the beginning of the disaster, each media reported that 85 workers were affected, 79 were rescued, and 6 were rescued.
was reported to be missing, but an investigation later revealed that the number of workers at the construction site had been falsely reported.
An investigation confirmed that there were 201 workers at the construction site at the time of the disaster. 14 so far
Nine people were rescued, four died, and 48 are still missing. The local police said on the 28th that they would detain and criminally detain the five people responsible.
"We will thoroughly investigate the facts and hold those involved strictly accountable in accordance with the law," the ministry said. Currently searching
Work continues.
2023/08/30 16:03 KST
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