Europe imposes restrictions on 6 giant platforms...Samsung excluded
The European Union (EU) announced on the 6th (local time) that under the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which will come into force next year, companies will be designated as "gatekeeper" companies that will be subject to special regulations to prevent market power.
announced that it had designated six companies: Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, China's ByteDance, Meta (formerly Facebook), and Microsoft. Samsung Electronics of South Korea is excluded from the scope.
. Twenty-two major services provided by these companies, including social network service (SNS) platforms, APP stores, and operating systems (OS), will be regulated.
The DMA is a bill that imposes a series of obligations on giant platform operators that act as intermediaries between consumers and sellers to prevent abuse of market power. E.
In July of this year, U requested seven companies that could be subject to regulation based on quantitative criteria such as sales and number of users to self-report. Samsung Electronics declared, but the EU ``submitted sufficient evidence''
was excluded from the final list. Companies designated as gatekeepers are strictly prohibited from using users' personal information acquired through their own services for business purposes, and must ensure that users'
Consent must be obtained. In the case of Google and Apple, they need to make apps that were previously available only in their own app stores available for download to each other.
Affected companies will be given a grace period of about six months from this date to comply with the DMA, with full-scale regulation starting from March next year. In case of default, up to 10% of the annual sales amount
A surcharge of % will be imposed. If repeated violations are confirmed, fines can increase by up to 20%.
In addition, if the infringement is deemed to be systematic, the Executive Committee will
The EU has teased that stronger sanctions are possible, such as forcing companies to sell part of their business units.
2023/09/07 07:03 KST
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