Representatives of the Democratic Party of Korea, Lee Jae-myung, go all the way... Continue fasting despite medical staff and party members holding back = South Korea
Representatives of the Democratic Party (opposition) along with Lee Jae-myung continue to fast with no way out. Although many parties within the party, including the leadership, have called for an end to fasting, Lee's will has changed.
There wasn't. Amid criticism that the two-week fast is absorbing all of the problems of the Democratic Party, there is a lot of interest in what the rationale for breaking the fast will be.
On the 13th, medical staff commented on Lee's health condition while he was fasting, saying, ``He has reached the limit of fasting.It is advisable to stop fasting now.''
Diagnosed. In the morning of the same day, Congressman Chun Jun-ho, chief of the party's representative secretary's office, informed reporters at the National Assembly of the medical staff's diagnosis of Lee's health condition.
Representative Chun said, ``Representative Lee is currently on his 14th day of fasting since he started fasting on August 30th. Normally, medically irreversible damage occurs after 10 to 14 days.
If we take this into account, it can be judged that we have reached the limit of fasting." He continued, ``There are no serious abnormalities in Representative Lee's body temperature, blood sugar, or blood pressure yet.
"It's showing a decline," he said. Representative Sen said, ``An electrolyte imbalance started to appear on the seventh day, and since yesterday, the frequency of arrhythmia has increased.I have also lost a lot of weight, and the medical staff is monitoring it.
We plan to conduct training sessions more frequently." Although his health is rapidly deteriorating, Lee says he has no plans to stop fasting. Spokesperson Park Sung Jun said:
In a meeting with reporters after the Supreme Committee meeting on Sunday, he explained, ``The move of the fasting site to the representative's office reflects Representative Lee's determined will to continue the fasting.'' On this day, Representative Lee
Due to his deteriorating health, he moved the fasting sit-in site in front of the central government office to the party representative's office inside the central government office. Although many party insiders, including former senior members and senior current members of the party, have called for a suspension,
There is no way out of the representative's fast. That morning, after the meeting, the Democratic Party's top committee members visited Representative Lee and urged him to end his fast. Supreme Commissioner Seo Yong-gyo said, ``Yesterday,
I'm most concerned about the health of the national team, as they had to go on such a difficult schedule on Sunday. The people are very worried." In response, Representative Lee said, ``It's still okay,'' and refused to stop the fasting.
He made his intentions clear. Afterwards, at Representative Lee's sit-in location, the party's largest gathering of members, ``Better Future'', ``The People's First'', a gathering of first-time elected members, and Kim Geun-tae (Kim Geun-tae)
The National Solidarity for Economic Democracy and Peaceful Unification, a group of affiliated parliamentarians, visited the area and called for an end to the fast. Those in the political world believe that at the time Lee's fast was called off, prosecutors had not yet submitted a consent proposal to the state for his arrest.
The argument has been raised that it is time to send it to the Society. A lawmaker known as a non-Lee Jae-Myung-affiliated lawmaker told this newspaper in a telephone interview, ``Representative Lee will not stop fasting until the bill consenting to his arrest comes to the National Assembly.
"I am conveying to the members my intention to reject the bill through a vote," he said. Kim Seong-tae, former Chairman of the People's Power (ruling party) Central Committee, also said, ``The key to ending the fast is to consent to arrest.''
I passed it. On the same day, Chairman Kim Former appeared on a CBS radio program and said, ``It takes about a week.The arrest consent proposal will be submitted.''When I saw Representative Lee attending yesterday (the prosecutor's investigation), I was surprised at that time.
I can withstand it," he said. Chairman Kim Former said, ``It will not be easy for Representative Lee to be detained by the prosecutors.The Democratic Party has 168 absolute seats, but he is talking about waiving his immunity from arrest.''
"If that situation were to arise, a situation would be formed (in which the bill would be rejected)," he added.
2023/09/13 21:58 KST
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