Man detained in China's Henan Province after failing to pick up woman and punching woman at hot pot specialty restaurant - Chinese report
A man was arrested for assaulting a woman sitting next to him at a hotpot restaurant in China's Henan province. According to the woman's lawyer, the woman's lawyer said that around 5:00 pm (local time) on the 12th of this month.
), at a hotpot specialty restaurant in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, one of the men in the group talked persistently to one of the women sitting next to him.
Afterwards, the man allegedly paid for the woman's food and drinks without permission and asked her to exchange contact information. When the woman continued to refuse, the man grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down from the chair.
He assaulted her by hitting her. The woman suffered bruises on the left side of her face, shoulder, and knee. The lawyer said, ``Currently, the police have intervened and have begun an investigation.The woman is receiving necessary tests and treatment at the hospital.''
” he revealed. Additionally, the man who hit the woman was taken into police custody on the 15th and is said to be under investigation.
2023/09/18 16:01 KST
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