Over 700,000 minor shareholders... 70% are Samsung Electronics shareholders = South Korea
In South Korea, the number of minor shareholders exceeded 700,000 in the past year. Samsung Electronics' shares were the most purchased, followed by IT giant Kakao's shares.
According to materials obtained from the Korea Depositary and Settlement Service by Yang Jeong-sook, a member of the Planning and Finance Committee of the Korean National Assembly, the number of stockholders held by minors last year was 755,670.
Totaled. The number of minor shareholders, which was 98,612 in 2019, is increasing every year.
In 2020, the number will increase to 273,710, and the KOSPI (Composite Stock Price Index) will reach 3,000 rais.
In 2021, the number of people increased to 656,340, exceeding the previous year's figure and setting a new record high. Last year, the number of minor shareholders exceeded 700,000 for the first time.
Looking at the breakdown, Samsung Electronics, which has the highest market capitalization in South Korea, had 532,621 (70.4
8%) was the most common. This was followed by cacao with 128,173 people (24.06%).
2023/09/30 16:35 KST
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