``12,700 people'' arrested for drug offenses, record high...Most people in their 20s and unemployed = South Korea
In South Korea, police arrested nearly 13,000 drug offenders this year, the highest number ever. Jang Dong-hyuk, a member of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee of the South Korean National Assembly, is a member of the ruling party “The People.”
According to documents obtained by the National Police Agency from the National Police Agency, a total of 12,700 people were arrested for drug offenses this year and up to August.
This is higher than last year's record number of 12,387 people in the past 10 years. Ma
Judging from the current trend, the number of drug offenders this year may exceed 20,000. The number of drug offenses per year continued to increase, from 5,000 in 2013 to 800 in 2016.
The number of people exceeded 0. Since then, the number has continued to increase, and from 2019 to last year, the number of people per year was in the 10,000 to 12,000 range. Among these, the increase in drug offenses is particularly noticeable among young people and the elderly.
As of August this year, 659 teenagers were arrested for drug offenses, more than double the number from last year (294) and a record high.
During the same period, the number of drug offenses committed by people over 60 increased by 66.5% from last year (1,829 people)30
The total was 46 people. Looking at this year's drug offenses by age, 3,731 people were in their 20s, the most. This was followed by 3,046 people in their 60s and above, 2,351 people in their 30s, and 1,597 people in their 40s.
1,292 people were in their 50s, followed by 659 people in their teens. By occupation, nearly half of the respondents were unemployed (5,800 people).
Rep. Chan said, ``In addition to the continued drug crime,
The rapid increase in drug use among young people and the elderly is a very serious problem.''We will mobilize all our investigations to eradicate distribution and sales organizations, and improve the drug control system in a more detailed manner by age group.''
There is a need,” he said.
2023/10/06 16:34 KST
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