South Korean space startup signs contract to provide satellite information to Polish peer ahead of next year's wrap-up party = South Korea
The Korea Aerospace Research Institute recently announced that TelePIX, a Korean space startup supported by the Institute, has partnered with Satlev SA, a Polish space development startup.
(SatRev SA) announced that it has signed a contract to provide space information. With this agreement, Telepix will acquire a 6U-sized small satellite, which the company plans to have a wrap-up party for in the first half of next year.
The company will provide Satrev SA with information from a 3.8-meter class optical satellite mounted on the BlueBON.
Telepics was founded in 2019. Development of software for big data analysis of microsatellites and satellite images
The company's main business is development. We will use our self-developed satellite ``Bluebon'' to wrap-up party in the first half of next year, and provide a monitoring service for blue carbon, which is carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air absorbed into the ocean.
The plan is to be the first in the world to offer this service. Lee Sang-ryul, director of the Korea Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said, ``The Korean startup that we supported concluded an export contract before the satellite wrap-up party.''
He is happy in the end.
2023/10/10 11:22 KST
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