≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ ”Demon Hunting Group: Counters Season 2” Episode 12 synopsis and behind-the-scenes stories... Greetings from Kim Hee-ora = Behind-the-scenes stories and synopsis
≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ ”Demon Hunting Group: Counters Season 2” Episode 12 synopsis and behind-the-scenes stories... Greetings from Kim Hee-ora = Behind-the-scenes stories and synopsis
*Contains plot summary and spoilers. *There is a making video on the Wowkorea page. From 9:54 to the end of the video.
This time, we continue with the final confrontation between Hana and Gary. Outside the container, the Jokupon is pushed to prevent it from opening.
Meanwhile, Kim Se Jeong is taking infrared photographs, closing his eyes and removing the ear device, relying only on his senses. In this way, the scene is photographed little by little and the monitor is
After checking it out, Kim Se Jeong smiled and said, "Hana is so cool." Then Gerry was summoned, and Kim Se Jeong told the camera, ``One demon has departed. Only the final boss remains.''
talk. Then light enters the container and the final action scene is shot. "Was it vermilion?" he said, noticing the color for the first time. At this point, all of Gary's scenes ended.
Kim Heora: Hello. Kim Hee Ora plays the role of Gary. I haven't really felt it yet because the shooting period was long, but we started shooting in winter and now it's spring. Long time
It was fun spending time with my friends. I hope everyone is enjoying it. Thanks to everyone's support, we were able to finish the shoot. Filming has finished, but the broadcast is over.
I hope you enjoy it until later. Gary, Hiora. I was summoned by Hana. If you are reborn, I want you to be a good person and live your life mindfully, and stop doing bad things.
I want you to do good things. There was a lot of action, but thank you for your hard work. thank you very much. Next is the shooting scene of Kang Ki Young.
This is the scene between Ma Joo Seok and Pil Kwang. He is drawn to Ma Joo Seok's power and is killed. making
Seeing Jin Sun Kyu showing off his power to the camera, the director said, ``Just because the cameraman is nice doesn't mean it's no good~,'' while showing off his power and having fun. Then the final shooting begins, and
Ng Ki-young falls to the floor and has his soul extracted. Kang Ki Young says, ``Sorry, I blinked,'' but the director says, ``It's okay. The CG director can fix this.'' And Ma Joo Seo
Ku lets out a roar, but he requests that it be a little longer, so we move on to take 2. He let out a long roar and was given the OK. ●Reactions from Korean internet users●
``The demons were charming'' ``Kang Ki Young was great'' ``Gerry's acting was cool'' ``All the characters in the cast were great''
“Shooting with lots of smiles” ●Synopsis● tvNTV Series “Evil Hunting Group: Counters Season 2” EP12 (viewer rating 6.1%) is Pil Kwang (Kang Ki Young)
The story depicts Somun (Cho Byeong Kyu) invading the inner world of Jin Sun Kyu in order to eliminate his soul. Hana (ki
Mu Se Jeong) instructed Seo-moon, ``You go inside Joo-seok. You can't deal with Pil-kwang unless you find Joo-seok.'' Somun said, “No. We need land for that, but there is no land.
He was worried, saying, ``If you do that, he'll become even stronger.'' But Mo-tak (Yu Jun Sang) said, ``Do you think we can't protect you by yourself?'' and pushed Seo-mun's back.
What Seomun, who entered Joo-seok's inner world, came across was Pil-gwang's soul. It was the same that Seo-mun's power could not reach Pil-gwang on the inside. Pilgu
Hwang's soul strangled So-mun's neck and mocked him, saying, "What did you expect? Do you really believe that Joo-seok is still alive? The only thing you can meet here is death."