``Seoul Security Dialogue'' among senior defense officials from 56 countries will be held from 17th to 19th of this month = South Korea
The ``2023 Seoul Security Dialogue'' will be held from the 17th to the 19th of this month at the Grand InterContinental Parnas Hotel in Seoul, South Korea.
On the 16th, the South Korean Ministry of Defense announced, ``The Seoul Security Dialogue, which marks its 12th anniversary this year, will be held from the 17th to the 19th.
``More than 800 people from 56 countries and two international organizations are scheduled to participate, including ministers from five countries.'' The main theme of this year's Seoul Security Dialogue is "Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity."
"Cooperation and solidarity towards prosperity." South Korea's Ministry of National Defense said, ``In order to achieve freedom, peace, and prosperity, which are universal values for humankind, the cooperation and solidarity of the international community is essential.''
” he explained. He continued, ``There are non-traditional security threats such as the war between Ukraine and Russia, strategic competition between major powers, climate change, and the recent attack on Islam by the Palestinian armed group Hamas.''
"It will be a meaningful opportunity for the international community to explore joint response plans in a rapidly changing security environment such as the El invasion." He also said, ``This event will expand South Korea's role as a global central country.''
This will likely serve as an opportunity to secure support from the international community for the direction of the Yun Seo-gyul government's security policy."
The event, which will be held for three days and two nights, will include three plenary sessions and four special sessions.
The conference will address issues such as the international community's response to the North Korean nuclear threat, freedom, peace, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, changes in the global security environment, and plans for international cooperation.
The session will address major issues such as maritime security, the defense industry, and the military use of artificial intelligence technology, as well as the meaning of the 70th anniversary of the ceasefire.
Additionally, there will be a working group dealing with major concerns in the cyber and space security field.
Groups are also held. The South Korean Ministry of Defense said, ``This year's event will be held at the same time as SeoulADEX 2023, the country's largest defense industry exhibition,'' and ``'Defense Cooperation and K-Defense''
I hope that the results of 'expansion of industry' will be maximized."
2023/10/16 16:37 KST
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