”Ballerina” starring actress Jeon JongSeo ranks first in Netflix's global TOP 10 movies (non-English) category...reaching 89 countries
The Korean movie "Ballerina" ranked first in the Netflix Global Top 10 Movies (Non-English) category.
According to Netflix's TOP10 website on the 18th, the movie "Ballerina" is available on Netflix.
It ranked first in the Global Top 10 Movies (Non-English) category, and was included in the Top 10 list in 89 countries including Korea, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Taiwan, and was also included in 2 Week's
It made us realize that it has continued global popularity. Not only that, it also held the number one spot in Korea's Top 10 Movies category for two weeks after its release.
``Ballerina'' is a security guard from ``Okju'' (Jeon JongSeo) who is a dear friend.
It is a beautiful yet merciless action revenge drama that unfolds while chasing ``Chee Pro'' (Kim JiHun) who drove ``Mini'' (Park Yurimu) to death.