科学者の98%「政府の “R&D予算削減”は不適切」=韓国
98% of scientists think the government's R&D budget cuts are inappropriate - South Korea
In South Korea, a survey was released showing that 98.1% of current researchers believe that the government's cuts to next year's research and development (R&D) budget are "not appropriate."
Min Hyun-bae, a member of the Korean National Assembly Science, Technology, Information, Broadcasting and Communications Committee, and members of the national science and technology community
As a result of a “questionnaire survey regarding government R&D budget cuts” conducted by the Solidarity Conference, 91.9% of respondents answered that it was “very inappropriate,” and 6.3% said that it was “not appropriate,” out of a total of 9.
8.1% gave a negative answer. This was followed by 0.7% who said ``It's appropriate,'' 0.6% who said ``Very appropriate,'' and 0.5% who said ``I don't know.''
In this survey, 2,887 current researchers (research professors, chief researchers, principal researchers, advanced researchers, commissioned research institutes, and doctoral researchers) answered a total of 10 questions.
Graduate schools, graduate students, etc.) participated. 24.1% of respondents cited ``the government's lack of explanation regarding R&D cartels'' as the most serious problem with the current R&D budget cuts. 18 again
.7% cited ``opaque decision-making structure,'' 17.1% cited ``science and technology policy direction that is lacking in preparation,'' and 16.7% cited ``unreflection of voices from research sites.''
Regarding the problems that R&D budget cuts will bring in the future, 39.7% of respondents cited ``deterioration of national science and technology competitiveness'' most frequently, followed by 26.9% who cited ``deterioration of national science and technology competitiveness.''
"The morale of field researchers has declined." As a solution to R&D budget cuts, 36.8% of respondents said they would ``promote the Innovation Headquarters' original proposal (2% increase proposal)'' before budget cuts. This was followed by 34.0% “
26.9% said, ``Revising the law to prevent R&D policy changes by the (current) administration,'' followed by ``re-promotion after collecting opinions from field research institutes.'' Congressman Min said, ``Many researchers
The company diagnoses the problems as ``a lack of explanation regarding R&D cartels'' and ``an opaque decision-making structure.''
"We will prevent the competitiveness of home science and technology from deteriorating."
2023/10/26 08:25 KST
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