China's Tibetan Autonomous Region chases Tibetan antelope with car... fined 5,000 formers = Chinese report
Five people have been ordered to pay fines for chasing Tibetan antelopes in their cars in Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region, China.
Recently, on the Internet, a white off-road vehicle was spotted on a grassland in Shenza prefecture, Nagcu city.
"He was chasing a Japanese antelope," the post said, attracting attention. After receiving the information, the forest police of the prefecture's Public Safety Bureau went to the scene around 10:00 pm (local time) on the 21st and conducted an inspection.
. In the early hours of the 22nd, a vehicle with five people, including a certain suspect named Liang, was found in the prefecture and taken into custody. As a result of the investigation, five people, including a certain Liang, drove a white off-road vehicle around 5:40 p.m. on the 21st and drove into a nature reserve.
Trespassing onto the premises without permission. It was revealed that the suspect was chasing a Tibetan antelope, which is designated as a first-class nationally protected animal, in his car.
So far, there have been no reports of Tibetan antelope being injured.
The Shenza County Public Security Bureau Forest Police transferred the matter to the Forestry and Grassland Bureau in accordance with regulations. Based on the Nature Reserve Management Ordinance, the Forestry and Grassland Bureau has fined each of the five people 5,000 formers (approximately 100,000 yen).
) and was given a warning.
2023/10/26 15:59 KST
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