北朝鮮外相、日米韓の “露朝武器取引”主張に「根拠なき非難」
North Korea's foreign minister ``baselessly criticizes'' claims of ``Russia-North Korea arms trade'' between Japan, US, and South Korea
North Korea has officially refuted the statement issued by the foreign ministers of Japan, the United States, and South Korea denouncing arms deals between North Korea and Russia. North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui announced on the 28th that the state-run
``The statement distorted the friendly and cooperative relationship between North Korea and Russia (Russia and North Korea),'' he said in a statement published in ``Tsunshu.'' sentence
"It's a book," he accused. Foreign Minister Choi said, ``DPRK-Russia relations are based on the principles of international law, such as mutual respect, equality, and mutual benefit.'' ``Based accusations and damage to DPRK-Russia relations violate the United Nations Constitution.''
"This is a denial and violation of internationally recognized international law." It goes on to say that ``no country or group has the right to intervene in issues that belong to the national autonomy of (other) countries or in the internal and external affairs of other countries.
There is no profit," he claimed. Foreign Minister Choi wrote ``Korea, the United States, and Japan'' as ``US-Japan <Korea>,'' and wrote only South Korea separately, saying, ``They have geopolitical interests in making North Korea-Russia relations illegal.''
has become more obvious." Furthermore, ``DPRK and Russia are autonomous countries that do not define themselves according to the directions and boundaries drawn by other countries, and the baseless concerns of the U.S., Japan, and South Korea regarding DPRK-Russia relations are of no concern to us.''
"This is not a matter that we can resolve."
2023/10/28 15:27 KST
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