Kindergarten teacher in Jiangsu Province, China assaults 5-year-old boy...Authorities fire teacher = Chinese report
On October 31st, authorities in Ukihashi township in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, China, fired a female kindergarten teacher for allegedly assaulting a 5-year-old boy at the kindergarten.
They announced that they would conduct a detailed investigation in the future. According to a report in the Chinese media ``Kuzai Newspaper,'' on October 26th, the mother of a 5-year-old boy attending a kindergarten reported to the kindergarten because the boy's mouth former was swollen.
When I checked with them, I was told that ``the child had hit the corner of the table by himself.'' The mother became suspicious and checked with the boy several times, until the boy finally revealed that the teacher had hit him.
When the boy's parents asked the kindergarten to release surveillance camera footage, the footage showed a female teacher who was sitting with the boy suddenly grabbing the boy by the head and forcefully pushing him against a desk.
It was. The boy's chin hits the desk hard. After that, the female teacher continued to forcefully grab the boy's nose. As a result of the female teacher's violent act, the boy suffered an injury that caused his baby tooth to break.
The female teacher reportedly acknowledged her mistake and apologized tearfully in front of the boy's parents. As for why he was violent towards the child, he said he was ``frustrated.''
The Education Bureau and police authorities are currently intervening and conducting a detailed investigation. The authorities said that once the results of the investigation are out, they will be held accountable in accordance with the law.
2023/11/01 15:32 KST
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