A fire broke out in a storage shed of a private house in China's Heilongjiang province... Did the paper used catch fire? =Chinese news
A fire broke out in a private house in Daqing, Heilongjiang Province, China, killing seven people. According to an announcement by Zhaozhou County government authorities in the city, around 2 p.m. on the 20th.
(local time), a fire broke out in a storage shed built in the garden of a private house in the prefecture. According to an investigation by the Prefectural Emergency Management Bureau, this storage shed was used to store yellow paper to be burned during rituals.
Ta. At the time of the fire, transport work was being carried out in the storage shed. It appears that the paper caught fire for some reason and the flames spread.
The fire destroyed an area of 280 square meters and killed seven people, including the resident of this private house.
A detailed investigation into the cause of the fire is currently underway.
2023/11/21 15:29 KST
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