South Korean man in his 30s who opened the door of a passenger plane 200 meters above the ground gets suspended sentence
This May, a man in his 30s who opened the door of a passenger plane landing at Daegu Airport and terrorized passengers was given a suspended sentence.
On the 21st, the Daegu District Court held a defendant Lee (32
) was sentenced to three years in prison, suspended for five years. He was also ordered to undergo probation and undergo mental health medical treatment.
At around 12:37 p.m. on May 26 this year, defendant Lee flew into Jeju, carrying 197 passengers.
An Asiana Airlines passenger plane bound for Daegu Airport departed from the port and was descending above Daegu Airport at an altitude of 224 meters and a speed of 260 kilometers per hour.
He was put on trial on charges of opening a . Lee was also charged with damaging the plane by causing the emergency exit slide on the outside of the plane to fall down.
Defendant Lee was sitting in a seat right next to the emergency exit at the time, and tried to jump after opening the door, but was unable to escape from passengers and crew members.
was stopped. As a result of Lee's actions, nine elementary school students and others on board the plane complained of breathing difficulties and were taken to the hospital. Defendant Lee had just lost his job at the time, and due to stress, he
He was reported to have committed a crime. Defendant Lee claimed in court that he was mentally impaired at the time of the crime. The court conducted a psychiatric evaluation and determined that defendant Lee was in a state of mental deterioration at the time of the crime.
It was cut off. Presiding Judge Jeong Jin-woo said, ``The defendant's guilt is extremely heavy in that he opened the emergency door of the airliner in flight, putting many passengers in danger and potentially leading to a major accident.''
``However, he has admitted to committing the crime, and as a result of a psychiatric evaluation, it appears that he may have schizophrenia and will need regular medical treatment for at least five years,'' explained the reason for the sentence.
Prosecutors had asked for Lee to be sentenced to six years in prison.
2023/11/21 11:57 KST
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