”SEVENTEEN” Dino releases his first solo mixtape ”Wait” ”Another new beginning”
"SEVENTEEN" Dino will be performing on famous American music sites such as iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music and global music platforms at 6 pm on the 27th.
Released his first solo mixtape "Wait" through SoundCloud. ``Wait'' is Dino's first solo mixtape that he has been preparing for a long time.
“Wait”, which features Dino’s simple vocals, is based on a hybrid genre that appropriately mixes jazz and glitch.
as a base. Various sounds such as piano and electric synth infuse the entire song with energy, and the direct lyrics clearly express the theme. The atmosphere and theme throughout the song
Messages provide a driving force to escape from the boring daily life. The following is a Q&A from Dino through management office Pledis Entertainment.
You're finally releasing your first mixtape, and I'm sure you're feeling a lot of emotion. What are your thoughts?
I'm really happy to be able to release a solo song that I've dreamed of since I was little.
vinegar. The process of preparing my first mixtape was fun from start to finish. I feel like I've made another dream come true. Q. What is the appeal of the mixtape “Wait”?
The point is my own “strength”. It's a song full of mysterious charm, where softness and strength coexist. Q.
What makes the mixtape “Wait” worth listening to? It's my own unique tone and character. What I've heard so far
I have prepared well to show you a new side of me that you have never seen before. Q. I heard that in “Wait” you will be showing a new side that has never been shown before. What kind of charm do you have?
Did he want to show his strength? Instead of being the usual cheerful and mischievous Dino, I wanted to show him a sincere attitude and a strong side. Q.
Please tell us about the most memorable episode while preparing the mixtape "Wait".
When filming the music video, all members of "SEVENTEEN" came to support us.
did. I feel truly loved and would like to once again express my gratitude to the members. Q. How would you describe the mixtape “Wait” in one word? A new beginning! Q.
Lastly, please give a message to CARATs around the world. My first solo mixtape will be released. It was all CARAT that made this dream come true.
Thanks to all of you. thank you very much. This is just the beginning, so please continue to support Dino. Thanks to CARAT you can Singing with former care.

DINO 'Wait' Official MV
DINO 'Wait' Official MV

2023/11/28 06:31 KST
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