”No dumping in Seoul travel”...Seoul city begins operation of tourism illegal reporting center = South Korea
On the 12th, Seoul announced that it will open and operate a new ``Tourism Illegal Reporting Center,'' a point of contact for reporting illegal activities in the tourism industry.
Dumping tourism is a tourism product that is below the normal price to attract tourists and then
This is tourism that involves traveling on a planned itinerary centered around shopping centers and places where there are no fees, and then allocating the losses from fees received at the shopping centers.
The city of Seoul will strengthen the management and supervision of tourism market order by opening a tourism violation reporting center.
We receive information about various illegal acts that occur during the travel process, such as forced shopping, arbitrary changes to tour schedules, and operating unregistered travel businesses, and conduct intensive investigations.
The plan is to conduct investigations and crackdowns to improve the quality of Seoul tourism products. Citizens and tourists who have been harmed by tourism-related illegal activities or witnessed illegal incidents during their trip to Seoul may file a complaint against tourism-related illegal activities.
You can report by calling the reporting center or visiting the website. Applicants must attach relevant supporting materials such as travel contracts, itineraries, and photographs to confirm the facts. Obstacle, conspiracy, falsehood
There is a risk of being disadvantaged when providing the facts, and to protect the identity of the person reporting, personal information and the contents of the report are strictly kept confidential.
The target of the report is illegal activities in the tourism industry that violate related laws such as the Penal Code and the Tourism Promotion Act.
It is an act. The City of Seoul will investigate the reported cases and take appropriate measures in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. In addition, from next year, we will introduce a tourism ombudsman system to deal with illegal tourism activities as well as discrepancies in the tourism industry.
Monitor correct behavior and mediate disputes between parties. The plan is to expand and develop it into an arbitration function. Kim Yong Hwan, director of the Seoul Tourism and Sports Bureau, said, ``Dumping tourism is an image of Seoul tourism.''
This will worsen the economy, reduce tourist satisfaction, and have a negative impact on the tourism industry, which has finally begun to recover. Eradicate illegal practices, establish a healthy tourism order, and improve the dignity of Seoul tourism.
We will increase the number of visitors and lay the foundation for an era of tourism that attracts 30 million people."
2023/12/12 20:57 KST
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