A man in his 30s was stabbed to death at a tea house in Chengdu, Sichuan, China - Chinese report
A man in his 30s was stabbed to death at a tea house in Chengdu, Sichuan province, China. According to police, at around 11:00 pm (local time) on the 10th, a certain Mr. Wang
(Male, 35) was stabbed with a knife. According to a preliminary investigation by the police, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yuan (male, 36) got into an emotional argument in the store, and Mr. Yuan got angry and attacked Wang with a knife.
It appears that someone was stabbed in the body. Police officers responded to the report and arrested Yuan at the scene. Mr. Wang was confirmed dead at the scene.
Police currently have Yuan in criminal custody and are conducting a detailed investigation.
2023/12/13 15:27 KST
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