Security office chiefs hold talks between the US and South Korea, and Japan and South Korea... ``Strengthening cooperation in response to North Korea's provocations''
``On the afternoon of the 18th, National Security Office Director Cho Tae Yeon held telephone discussions with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and National Security Director Takeo Akiba, respectively,'' the South Korean President's Office said.
reported. The meeting was about joint responses to North Korea's long-range ballistic missile, which was launched on that day.
The heads of the security offices of the three countries said, ``North Korea's latest ICBM (long-range ballistic missile) launch is in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolution.
"This is a clear violation of the Korean peninsula, as well as the peace and security of the Northeast Asian region and the international community."
The heads of the security offices of the three countries said, ``Today's talks will focus on the ``agreement'' agreed at the U.S. Camp David summit in August.
"It was carried out promptly in accordance with the 'Commitment to Consult.' Next, the heads of the security offices of the three countries will be appointed members of the United Nations Security Council, of which all three countries are members.
The three countries are working together to respond to North Korea's provocations through cooperation in economic affairs, cooperation on independent and multilateral sanctions against North Korea, joint responses in the military field, responses to North Korea's malicious cyber activities, and blocking of illegal foreign currency earnings.
We decided to actively promote cooperation. In addition, they evaluated the Japan-U.S.-South Korea security cooperation that utilizes the real-time sharing system for North Korean missile warning information, and decided to further strengthen this cooperation.
2023/12/19 07:30 KST
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