Chairman of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff inspects ``frontline'' with UN commander
On the 22nd, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said, ``On the 21st, Kim Myung-soo, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Paul LaCamera, Commander of the United Nations Forces, visited a guard post located at the front line of the Central Front (North-South Armistice Line).
We conducted a joint on-site inspection targeting the (GP) alert operations unit." Chairman Kim and Commander La Camera, who visited the GP on the front lines, spoke about the North and South, including the return of the North Korean military to the GP.
We confirmed changes in the situation in border areas on the spot and inspected our preparedness. After completing the inspection, Chairman Kim and Commander Lacamera said that despite the piercingly cold weather ahead of Christmas,
Coins were presented to the soldiers who are dedicated to carrying out their duties for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, giving them encouragement.
2023/12/22 15:55 KST
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