Korean girl group IVE delivered a warm message for Christmas. management office STARSHIP Entertainment held the official Y of “IVE” on the afternoon of the 24th.
Christmas special video "Payback" released on ouTube channel. ``Payback'' is a song released in October, ``I'VE''.
MINE” is a record song, but with Christmas approaching, “IVE” is full of year-end atmosphere for DIVE (Official fan club name).
It was shown as a special video. In a warm atmosphere, the members conveyed the Christmas message, ``Dear.DIVE.'' Jang Won Young writes a letter to the tree
Rei smiles while holding the present box. Liz shows off her crazy side by holding a bear doll and making him kiss her, and Iso says, ``Don't hurt me unnecessarily.''
He playfully exchanges words with Jang Won Young along with the lyrics, catching everyone's attention. Ga Eul transforms into a cute reindeer wearing a headband decorated with a snowman doll, and An Yu Jin is hooked.
He evoked laughter with his cute smile and mischievous demeanor, like a puppy waiting for the snow. Next, "IVE" prepared a Christmas party. Various accessories symbolizing Christmas
They left special memories by wearing them, taking pictures, and playing pranks on them. The members, who completed the preparations for the Christmas party with their girlish charms, made a wish on the cake and everyone said,
DIVE, Merry Christmas,” he greeted, conveying his happy energy. Meanwhile, "IVE" will be broadcasting its own content "1, 2, 3" on January 1st next year at 11:00 p.m.
IVE" is scheduled to be released for the first time.