China's Shaanxi Province: Live stream showing people feeding pandas ”without permission”... Permanent ban on admission = Chinese report
A woman has been permanently banned from entering the Changqing Huayang Scenic Area in Yangxian County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, China, after allegedly feeding giant pandas without permission.
According to a tourism service company in Changqing Huayang Scenic Area, a female Bai who visited the panda pavilion in the scenic area as a tourist stole the carrots as food without the zookeepers noticing.
It is said that he gave it to the giant panda without permission. Mr. Shiro also did a live STREAM of feeding the giant pandas. When alerted by viewers, she said, ``I feed the pandas.''
You can criticize me, you can report it.'' He also said, ``The pandas are hungry because the keepers don't feed them.''
In an interview with local media, an official from the scenic spot said the woman said, ``The pandas are hungry because the keepers don't feed them.''
He explained that the claim is not true. ``There are professional keepers who take care of the giant pandas in the scenic area,'' he said, adding that ``feeding is carried out based on the advice of experts.''
The tourism service company issued a permanent ban on Mr. Bai from entering the site and reported the matter to the police for acting in a way that endangered the health of the giant pandas.
2023/12/26 15:35 KST
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