The current situation of South Korea's serious declining birthrate as seen in ”strollers”
With no end to the declining birthrate in South Korea, Korean media has announced the results of a survey showing that more pet carts (commonly known as dog strollers) were sold than strollers from January to September of this year.
It was reported that the JoongAng Ilbo pointed out, ``It has become clear that the serious declining birthrate phenomenon is also reflected in the stroller market.'' Meanwhile, President Yoon Seo-gyeol (Yun Seok-yue) announced on the 26th of this month that
At the cabinet meeting, he mentioned the problem of the declining birthrate, emphasizing that ``we have to think about causes and countermeasures at a different level than we have in the past.''
South Korea's birth rate fell below 2 for the first time in 1984, at 1.74. In the 2000s, it fluctuated between 1.1 and 1.3.
In 2018, it fell below 1 to 0.98. South Korea is the only member country of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to have a birthrate below 1. There will be no brakes after 2018, and 20
In 2020, it was 0.84, in 2021 it was 0.81, and last year it hit an all-time low of 0.78. This is less than half the average for OECD countries (1.59 people). By region,
It was particularly low in urban areas, at 0.59 in Seoul and 0.72 in Busan, the second largest city. The Korea Statistical Office also releases the total fertility rate on a quarterly basis. Data for July-September period of this year
was released on the 29th of last month. For the same period, it was 0.70, which was the lowest ever on a quarterly basis since statistics began in 2009, matching the October-December 2022 period and the April-June period of this year. especially in september
The number of children born was approximately 18,700, a decrease of 14.6% from the same month last year. Yonhap News reported, ``The number of births tends to decrease towards the end of the year, and the total fertility rate for the October-December period was 0.
There is a possibility that it will drop below .7." The main reason why the birthrate has progressed so far is said to be that fewer people are getting married. In South Korea, where there is a super-educated society and it is difficult to find employment, there is fierce competition.
In the end, disparity widens, and there are many cases in which people are unable to get married or have children due to financial concerns. In South Korea, the term ``3-bang'' was coined in the mid-2000s, which refers to giving up on love, marriage, and childbirth. to korea
However, there is still a belief that raising children is the responsibility of mothers, and some women hesitate to get married because they are worried that if they get married, they will have to take on the burden of raising children and doing housework all at once.
There is. It is also true that lifestyles are diversifying and some women choose not to get married, and we are living in an era where this should be respected as a value.
It was in the early 2000s that the declining birthrate emerged as a major social problem in South Korea. Roh Moo-hyun (Roh Moo-hyun) was established in 2003.
The government has begun to take serious measures to combat the declining birthrate. The Yun administration is also making efforts to counter the declining birthrate by building low-rent public housing and accepting immigrants, but the declining birthrate is showing no signs of slowing down.
It doesn't stop. Under these circumstances, Korean media reported that sales of pet carts (dog strollers) exceeded strollers in the country this year. e-commerce company “Gma
According to Marketplace, if the total sales of pet carts and baby strollers are 100 units, the sales from January to September of this year were 57% versus 43%. Pet cart in 2021
The sales ratio for baby strollers was 33% to 67%; last year, strollers were more popular, 36% to 64%, and although this year's results are only up to September, it is clear that the situation has reversed. South Korea
According to the paper Chosun Ilbo, a G Market official said, ``Usually, at least 5,000 strollers would have been sold between January and September,'' and said that the reason for this was Pet Book.
In addition to pointing out that the number of domestic dogs has increased sharply due to the increase in the number of domestic dogs, the analysis said, ``This appears to be due to a decrease in the number of births due to the declining birthrate.''
South Korea's measures to combat the declining birthrate are completely lacking, and President Yun also announced at a cabinet meeting on the 26th that
The relevant ministries and agencies were instructed to take measures with strong resolve. Many young people say that the burden of private education costs and deteriorating employment and working conditions are factors that make them hesitant to give birth.
It will be done. For this reason, the Yun administration is working on the ``three major reforms'' of labor, education, and pensions, which are considered core to solving the declining birthrate and aging population. According to Yonhap News, President Yoon spoke to many experts at the cabinet meeting that day.
As pointed out, if an excessively competitive system, including in education, is the cause of the declining birthrate, he emphasized that we should focus on correcting this. Also, incentives for childbirth
He pointed out that in order to provide reliable countermeasures against the declining birthrate, it is necessary not only to provide general support, but also to ensure that the necessary support is provided through empirical analysis.
In South Korea, if the birth rate does not reverse at this rate, by 2040 there will be 20 people under the age of 14.
Some predict that it will be halved by 2020.
2023/12/27 10:34 KST
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