Lee Jun-seok, representative of People's Power Former, ``There is a competitive relationship with former Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon...There is no scenario of reunification before the general election'' = South Korea
On the 27th, Former Representative Lee Jun-seok, who announced his departure from the People's Power (ruling party), said, ``Han Dong-hoon, former Minister of Justice (chairman of the People's Power Emergency Response Committee) and I, are now... competitive relationship
"I entered," he said. Representative Lee Former, who teased the formation of a new party with reform-conservative tendencies, drew a line under the possibility of reuniting with the people's power before the general election.
This afternoon, Representative Lee Former attended a separate event held at a restaurant in Nowon-gu, Seoul.
Immediately after the party declaration press conference, he was asked, ``What do you think about the criticism that the establishment of the Han Dong-hoon Emergency Task Force might weaken the new party's power?'' he answered, ``We have entered into a competitive relationship.'' Representative Lee Former said, ``This competition is
I don't think that contestant relationships are formed just because we deny or accept them. I hope that many good innovations will come out of the innovations that Chairman Han Dong-hoon will make."
Beta. Regarding the nature of the new party he is creating, he said, ``At this stage, we are raising the banner of a conservative reform party centered around people who have embarked on conservative reform.We will compete within that party.'' Lee former representative side is this
On the same day, the declaration of formation of the party formation preparation committee was submitted to the Central Election Commission. At the same time, Representative Lee Former said, ``Recently, I have been interacting with various people, both from the people's power and from the Democratic Party (opposition), and have been learning about the facts.
I am talking to many people who are worried about the country. "In a situation where we have decided to form a new party, I think it is important to look for points of commonality and move forward, rather than getting lost in search of perfect identity."
. He added, ``The spectrum that I can work with is up to the Justice Party (opposition) of Noh Hoe-chan. Regarding political parties such as New Choice and Hope for Korea, Yang Hyang-ja (Yang Hyang-ja)
"I have been communicating very closely with former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop," he said. In particular, former CEO Lee said, ``Frankly, no matter how different his party affiliation may be, Kim, who is currently affiliated with People's Power,
Do you hate me more than Supreme Committee Member Byung-min and Young Supreme Committee member Jang Ye-chan? At least here, we should start by denying the scenario of reuniting (with the power of the people) before the general election.
”, he said. Furthermore, at the press conference for leaving the party on this day, Congress members Jung Ha-ram, Heo Eun-ah, Kim Yong-tae, and Lee Ki-in, who are classified as members of the Lee Jun-seok family of people's power, were present.
Regarding the fact that four members did not attend, he said, ``Naturally, we will gradually announce who will be attending.'' Of the four members, Rep. Kim Yong-tae has previously announced his intention to retain the power of the people. Lee
The former representative said, ``Congressman Kim Yong-tae was unable to join us due to personal concerns, but I cannot say whether the others will leave or leave, but I will say that you will probably know.''
He asked the people to make his intentions known to the people in the most honorable manner."
2023/12/27 21:18 KST
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