President Yoon reprimands Ministry of Defense for listing ``Dokdo as a territorial dispute area'' and orders ``severe measures'' = South Korea
On the 28th, President Yoon Seo-gyeol of South Korea wrote in a recently published mental education material for military personnel that ``Dokdo (Dokdo, Japanese name: Takeshima), an inherent territory of South Korea, is divided into two parts, along with the Senkaku Islands and the Kuril Islands.
In response to a report regarding the fact that the area was described as "an area with ongoing territorial disputes," the government reprimanded the government, saying, "This should never happen," and took corrective measures.
A spokesperson for the South Korean presidential office said in a press conference on the same day, ``President Yoon will take strict measures such as immediate correction.''
"I gave instructions to take it," he said. The basic mental education materials distributed by the Ministry of National Defense to all military personnel at the end of this month state that ``Around the Korean Peninsula, various powerful countries such as China, Russia, and Japan are in sharp conflict.''
``These countries project military power overseas for their own interests, and continue to have territorial disputes such as the Uotsuri Islands (Senkaku Islands), the Kuril Peninsula (Kildo Islands), and the Dokdo issue, so military conflicts can occur at any time. vinegar
"There is a risk of this happening." There has also been criticism over the fact that ``Dokdo'' is not shown on the map of the Korean Peninsula that appears in the basic teaching materials for spiritual warfare education.
2023/12/28 15:24 KST
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