President Yoon: ``If the enemy provokes us, we will respond immediately and resolutely'' - South Korea
``President Yoon Seo-gyeol visited the front-line troops on the morning of the 28th, inspected the military readiness, and praised the hard work of the soldiers who are working hard on the front lines in security operations,'' the South Korean presidential office said. but
I told you this day. On the same day, President Yoon received a report on the current state of military preparedness during his visit, and urged the government to maintain a thorough military preparedness. President Yoon said, ``Our people have strong expectations.''
"This is a reliable military," he said, "If the enemy provokes us, we will take immediate and decisive action based on the principle of 'measures first and reports later.'"
President Yoon also encouraged the US military officers and soldiers who are carrying out their missions alongside the South Korean military. President Yoon also said, ``Welfare of soldiers and soldiers''
We will provide full support so that they can dramatically improve their military service and devote themselves to their military service with pride and pride." At the luncheon, President Yoon talked about not only maintaining his health, but also the concerns of parents.
I asked him to call me to make sure he didn't. Next, President Yoon held a meeting with military leaders and their families at a welfare center and said, ``The happiness of military officers and their families is security.''
2023/12/28 15:59 KST
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