'Political terrorism' repeated during election season... Opposition leader stabbed with deadly weapon = South Korea
In both South Korea, Democratic Party representative Lee Jae-myung was attacked with a deadly weapon. Former CEO Lee answered questions from reporters at around 10:27 a.m. on the 2nd after visiting the grounds of the new airport in Gadeok-do, Busan.
While he was there, he was stabbed in the left side of his neck with a deadly weapon by a man in his 60s, and he collapsed bleeding. This day's attack occurred three months before the general election, and the attacker was attacked with a deadly weapon 20 to 30 centimeters long.
This case is similar to former President Park Geun-hye's ``cutter knife attack.'' On May 20, 2006, President Park, who was the representative of the Grand National Party at the time, announced his resignation to the Soviet Union with the May 31 local elections just 11 days away.
While riding in a car in Ulshinchon to campaign in support of then-Seoul mayoral candidate Oh Sehun, he was stabbed by a man in his 50s with a stationery knife, resulting in an 11cm long puncture wound on his right cheek that required stitches.
Had surgery. Relatively recently, in the run-up to the March 9, 2022 presidential election, former Democratic Party representative Song Yong-gil posted on YouTube while campaigning for candidate Lee Jae-myung in Sinchon, Seoul.
I was once hit on the head with a blunt object by Mr. Pyo from R. This incident is also an attack on a party representative during an election campaign, and the area is the same as that of President Park Former President.
Even if it is not a ``terrorist'' level attack that can cause fatal injuries such as a deadly weapon or blunt weapon, a presidential candidate or a prominent politician may be attacked.
In some cases, people were pelted with eggs and assaulted with fists. Meanwhile, the Korean national team was transferred to Busan National University Hospital Regional Trauma Center, and then transferred to Seoul National University Hospital around 1:00 p.m. 3:04 p.m.
The surgery started around 5 minutes and lasted nearly two hours, far longer than the one hour originally expected. A representative example of this is damage to the inner diameter vein, which requires revascularization including thrombus removal and blood flow from the vein.
Because there were more blood clots than expected, he underwent surgery to insert a tube. After the surgery, he regained consciousness and is recovering in the intensive care unit. In connection with this incident, the police are investigating Song Jae-han from the Busan Police Agency.
The chief investigator was appointed as the head of the investigation headquarters for the incident, and a 68-person investigation headquarters was established, centered on the wide-area investigation team. Prosecutor General Lee Won-seok also said, ``The Busan District Public Prosecutors Office will form a special investigation team and cooperate with the police.''
We will do our best to quickly and thoroughly investigate the truth."
2024/01/04 09:36 KST
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