Next week, Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the emergency task force, will begin a relay meeting with prominent members of the people's power... Will he appeal for dedication to the general election? = South Korea
Han Dong-hoon, chairman of the People's Power (opposition) emergency task force, will hold meetings with party members in turn, starting with the leaders next week.
On the 3rd, according to the people's power, Chairman Han held a meeting at a restaurant in Yeouido, Seoul on the 11th.
A lunch meeting will be held with prominent members of Congress. It is said to be a place where people can meet and seek advice from party leaders on general issues ranging from party management to general election strategy.
He plans to hold a meeting with other members of Congress who have been elected three times or less as soon as possible.
For the time being, meetings between Chairman Han and his affiliated members are in the form of face-to-face meetings, but
There are also speculations that the chairman will politely request the dedication of his own members to win the general election. In particular, the fact that Chairman Han declared in his first words not to run in the general election was a sign of a large-scale reshuffle.
Some say it is a stepping stone for the future. Afterwards, Chairman Han repeatedly reiterated the message that dedication is needed in public meetings, leading to interpretations that he was euphemistically expressing the so-called idea of retiring.
The day before, Chairman Han said at a New Year's greetings party at the Daejeon City Party, ``I am not thinking about my life after April 10th.I demand the necessary dedication to the assets and treasures of the people's power.'' said.
At the time, many senior party politicians and senior politicians were present, leading some to believe that it was a form of 'silent oppression'.
In response to a reporter's question about the political meaning of 'dedication,' Chairman Han answered, 'It is necessary for the power of the people.
What is it? Isn't it about not sparing yourself, talking when you speak, fighting when you fight, and accepting the outcome of rational competition?''
2024/01/03 20:54 KST
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