Representative Lee Jae-myung, who was attacked with a deadly weapon, has his trial postponed one after another... Is it difficult to make a declaration before the general election? = South Korea
Lee Jae-myung, representative of South Korea's opposition Democratic Party, was attacked with a deadly weapon during a visit to Busan, leading to the postponement of Lee's trial scheduled for next week.
The Seoul Central District Court changed the trial date for Lee's ``inciting and abetting perjury'' charge, which had been scheduled for the 8th, to the 22nd.
This incident was made false during a broadcast debate for the Gyeonggi Province gubernatorial election in 2018.
The charge alleges that Lee demanded false testimony from a witness during his trial for disclosing the facts. Initially, the charge of ``inciting perjury'' was relatively easy to prove, and one
It was thought that there was a possibility that a trial judgment would be handed down. However, Lee underwent surgery due to damage to his internal jugular vein, which affected the trial schedule, and it was scheduled for April 10th this year.
There is a possibility that the Lee case will not be declared before the 22nd National Assembly election (general election). Representative Lee's ``Daejang-dong, Wire, and Seongna'' will be tried in the same trial chamber.
Regarding the Seongnam FC Baekhyun-dong scandal, the trial date scheduled for the 9th of this month has been changed to ``to be specified later'', and a trial preparation date will be held on the 12th to discuss the trial procedures.
I decided to do it. In addition, the trial on charges of violating the Public Offices Election Act is scheduled for the 19th of this month, and although it does not seem to have any direct impact, it may be postponed in the future depending on the speed of Lee's recovery.
There is a possibility. Meanwhile, Representative Lee was attacked in the neck with a weapon during a visit to Busan on the 2nd and is receiving treatment at Seoul National University Hospital.
2024/01/04 11:18 KST
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