South Korea's intelligence agency, the National Intelligence Service, said on December 28 that there is a high possibility that North Korea will launch a military provocation in the new year ahead of the general election scheduled for April in South Korea. showed that. 27
On the same day, North Korean General Secretary Kim Jung Eun ordered the acceleration of "war preparations" at a general meeting of the Central Committee, which decides important policies for the Workers' Party of Korea. Meanwhile, South Korea's Yun takes a tough stance against North Korea.
- On the 28th, President Sogyul visited an army division in charge of areas close to North Korea and encouraged the soldiers. ``If the enemy makes a provocation, respond immediately and resolutely,'' he said. North-South relations are tense.
Conflicts are rising, and the words of the leaders of the two Koreas give off a sense of unrest. North Korea unveiled a tactical nuclear warhead, the Hwasan-31, in March last year. Demonstrates ability to miniaturize nuclear warheads and diversify delivery methods
and strengthened the nuclear threat. In September, the Supreme People's Assembly (equivalent to the National Assembly) decided to enshrine the ``Nuclear Arms Policy,'' a security policy based on nuclear weapons, in the Constitution. Kim Jong Il gave a speech at the meeting.
``It is a strategic decision that we should never change the current status of a nuclear-weapon state and further strengthen our nuclear forces intermittently,'' he said, emphasizing the country's stance to push ahead with nuclear and missile development under the constitution. .
On November 21st last year, we held a wrap-up party for the military reconnaissance satellite Manlikyong 1. After failing in May and August, we succeeded in getting it back on track. North Korea has the Great Mirror 1
He claims to have photographed various locations including the White House and Pentagon in the United States, US military bases in Guam and Hawaii, and Busan in South Korea. Meanwhile, at the United Nations Security Council held in response to the wrap-up party,
A number of countries criticized the launch, saying that the launch using ballistic missile technology was a violation of Security Council resolutions. On December 14, the Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the Korean Workers' Party, published an article looking back on the year 2023.
publish. He cited the reconnaissance satellite wrap-up party as one of the greatest achievements of 2023, saying, ``We have reached a new turning point in strengthening our national power.'' Following the wrap-up party, the South Korean government announced the effectiveness of the inter-Korean military action concluded in 2018.
has been partially suspended. North Korea also resumed military measures near the Military Demarcation Line, which had been suspended based on this agreement. North Korea's Ministry of Defense has stated that if a military conflict occurs in the future, ``the Republic of Korea will take full responsibility.''
``I will be responsible for this,'' he argued. On December 18, North Korea announced a Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) aimed at the Sea of Japan from near the capital, Pyongyang.
The Hwasong-18 test launch was the first since July, and the Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported on the success on the 20th, ``It showed off to the world the self-respect and authority of the Republic (North Korea) and the national power of Korea's independence.''
Over the past year, the Yun administration has further strengthened security cooperation with Japan and the United States, making clear its stance on countering North Korea's increasingly sophisticated nuclear and missile capabilities. Last September, the military
At a ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of its founding, President Yoon said, ``North Korea has advanced its nuclear and missile capabilities and is threatening to use nuclear weapons.This is a real threat to the South Korean people and a serious challenge to world peace.'' year
He then warned, ``If the North uses nuclear weapons, we will end the North's regime through an overwhelming response from the South Korea-US alliance.'' The rift between the two Koreas continues to deepen, with communication between the two Koreas unilaterally cut off by North Korea in April.
The channel remains disconnected. In July, Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Il's younger sister and deputy director of the Workers' Party of Korea, referred to South Korea as the "Republic of Korea" in a statement. Korean media said, “Relationship through cooperation”
The government has changed from a search for change to a ``Two Korea'' policy that focuses on ``hostile coexistence,'''' (Yonhap News). The Korean government also released the Korean version on the 26th of this month.
Educational materials for military soldiers refer to North Korea as a "nation." This reflected the Yun administration's judgment that unification of the North and South would be difficult. South Korea's National Intelligence Service announced on the 28th that North Korea's
He expressed the view that there is a high possibility that the United States will carry out military provocations as early as the beginning of the year. North Korea has carried out military provocations, including missile launches, before the general elections in April 2016 and April 2020. The National Intelligence Service
It is said that Kim Jong Il gave the direct instructions, and that he told his aides, ``Prepare a plan that will cause a ripple (in South Korea) early next year.''
On the 27th, Seoul held an integrated defense exercise simulating a localized provocation by North Korea. Public, private, military, police
Field maneuver training (FTX) was also held for the first time with the participation of the police. Yonhap News reported, ``In addition to regular exercises such as the Ulji exercise in preparation for emergencies such as wartime and disasters, local governments are also developing their own training plans and jointly organizing them.
"It is unusual for us to conduct this field maneuver training." The new year began in a tense situation with North and South facing each other head-on.
2024/01/04 14:31 KST
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